The good news is that there are some known fixes available. But the low FPS issue or sudden FPS drops still troubles many. ***PS5 code provided by the publisher for review.Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) has been out for a few years and players are still enjoying it. With the Enhanced Version, Elder Scrolls Online definitely steps up as the best looking and smoothest running MMORPG you can find on the PS5, and no longer feels in any way inferior to the PC version. The recent introduction of companions made a solo-friendly game even more inviting. What appeals to individual gamers is, of course, subjective but I’ve long felt that Elder Scrolls Online is the best MMORPG on consoles thanks to its world-building, lore, quests, story, and ability to reward both solo and group experiences equally. It’s a bit disappointing that all the potential of the DualSense controller wasn’t a little more realized as part of the upgrade, although not entirely ignored. What else is better? Load times are noticeably faster and entering and exiting dungeons or fast travel is improved. Character models still vary a great deal, but they’re sharper and the textures are more detailed. The Elder Scrolls Online has excelled in crafting widely varied zones with incredible architecture, flora, and fauna, and thanks to the upgrade, the entire map shimmers, and pops, nighttime is textured and mysterious and dungeons drip with atmosphere, especially using the quality setting (4K at 30 fps). Lighting, textures, draw distance, reflections, particle effects all look great and in performance mode at 60 fps, pop-in is almost entirely a thing of the past. The free PS5 upgrade to the enhanced edition just makes an already graphically-impressive game look as current gen as a years-old game possibly can without an entire makeover. I am extremely disappointed that Amazon Games new MMORPG, New World, will eschew gamepads entirely and restrict control to mouse and keyboard only. The UI in ESO is a model of “get out of the way until needed” efficiency and the controller fits gameplay like a glove. All this was certainly true of the Blackwood expansion, and I was reminded again that Elder Scrolls Online has the absolute best and most consistently beautiful music of any MMORPG. The developers know well how to craft and pace a campaign and to fill the hours with not just challenging dungeons, but with really rich and incredibly well made lore that includes personal stories, political intrigue, and cultural clashes.
I’ve played Elder Scrolls Online from day one, dipping in for a while for each new expansion or major content release, and while the structure of each new chapter might have become a little predictable, the breadth of engaging stories, characters, and environments has never disappointed.